Sunday Morning Worship
Every Sunday
10:45am – 11:45am

Worship at Fairfield is more than just going to church. Worship is the expression of praise, honor and thankfulness to the God who made and redeemed us. It begins on a personal level; it is expressed in family worship and then ultimately in a corporate setting that we normally call “church.”
This corporate worship is rooted in our belief that God is the One who initiates interaction with his creation. He comes to us first. He created us (mankind) in the Garden of Eden, He pursued us throughout history even as we turned away from him. Ultimately He pursued us in the person of His Son, Jesus. "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8. And by His Holy Spirit He draws us to Himself, and by His grace we respond in faith.
As we gather together for worship, we are responding to all that God has done, is doing and will do through reading scripture and hearing it preached, praying, singing, confessing our sin, reciting together ancient creeds of the church and receiving the sacraments. It is a celebration of our great God and His eternal love for us.
Our worship style is not exclusively traditional nor is it to be considered contemporary. We believe in maintaining a connection to the past by reciting the ancient creeds and singing the old hymns. We also believe that since God is also God of the present that we should “sing a new song” to the Lord. Therefore, it is our aim to “blend” the past and the present in our worship services that we might not forget the past but also that we may live in the present.